Guide for Authors

Guide for Authors

Mandatory files for submission

  • Manuscript with Author Details
  • Manuscript without Author Details

Author Statement

  • Every author must comply with conditions demanded in the procedure of submitting an article. After the article has been approved, the author should sign and send the authors statement to the Editorial Board. Please read the guidelines and follow these instructions carefully. Manuscripts not adhering to the instructions will be returned for revision without review. The Chief Executive Editor reserves the right to return manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with these guidelines.

Manuscript preparation guidelines for authors

  • Format of articles
  • Format type:

Text formatting: Time New Roman, size 12 points and line spacing: At least.

Margins: Use 1.5 cm margin on top and bottom sides and 2.5 cm on left and right sides of the page.

  • Title:

Title should be short but informative, be centered, typed in Times New Roman 14 point and boldface.

  • Author (s):

Author Name(s) should be listed all authors of the paper (full name for first initial(s) for middle name(s) and full family name), be centered beneath the title and typed in Times New Roman 10-point, non-italic and boldface. Every name is numbered (Arabic numbers) superscript sequentially with a star symbol “*” for the corresponding author.

 Affiliation(s) should be shown below the author's name(s) and typed in Times New Roman 10-point, non-italic and boldface. At least one e-mail address and his ORCID id are needed for the corresponding author.

  • Abstract

The abstract should be concise (250 words), informative and could be understood by non-specialists. The abstract should briefly describe the importance of the research problem, the research aim, the methodology, the significant results and the conclusion. The abstract should be written as Times New Roman with 12 font size.


After the abstract, authors should write about (4-5) keywords (separated by Comma) reflecting the scientific content of the paper for indexing purposes. Avoid using abbreviations, plural, conjunctions and prepositions. The keywords should be written as Times New Roman with 12 font size.



The introduction should illustrate the research problem, the relevant literature for solving this research problem, the proposed approach and its progress beyond the state-of-the-art, and the objectives of the research. The Introduction should be written as Times New Roman with 12  font size.


In this section, authors should provide a precise description of the experimental protocol, the materials preparation, measurement procedures, calculation and statistical analysis methods. The experimental procedures should be organized chronologically. Materials and Methods should be written as Times New Roman with 12  font size.


This section should be written in a clear and concise form taking into account discussing the obtained data rather than repetition. Authors should also avoid the extensive and unjustified citation and discussion of formerly published literature.

Tables should be kept as simple as possible, and should be numbered consecutively according to their ordering in the text. Authors are required to use Arabic numerals for data presentation in the table body, and each Table should be presented with a legend and footnotes if necessary.

Graphics or figures should be in a high resolution, and numbered consecutively according to their ordering in the text. Each figure should be provided with a caption below the figure.

This section should be written as Times New Roman with 12 font size.



Authors should summarize the most important results of research in conclusion to allow readers to understand the research finding without reading the whole manuscript. This section should be written as Times New Roman with 12 font size.


Authors are can include an Acknowledgement before the reference list for those provided help during research course (individuals or organizations) including financial support, lab assistance, language editing, etc. This section should be written as Times New Roman with 10 font size.



Author(s) should ensure that all cited references in the text are included in the reference list and vice versa. In case of citing unpublished work in the text, it should not be cited in the reference list. References should be cited in the text by the author's surname followed by the publishing year in parentheses. If the paper had two authors, the reference should be cited in the text by the surname of the first and second author followed by the publishing year in parentheses, and in the case that the paper had more than two authors the reference should be cited in the text by only the first author's surname followed by "et al." and the publishing year in parentheses. In case of citing two or more references for an author in the same publishing year, the references should be identified by lowercase letters following the year in both text and reference list. In case of citing an internet source, the full URL and the last accessed date should be given. References should be listed in alphabetic order in the reference list according to the following style:


  • Journal article

Shabana, Y., Singh, D., Ortiz-Ribbing, L.M., Hallett, S.G. (2010). Production and formulation of high-quality conidia of Microsphaeropsis amaranthi for the biological control of weedy Amaranthus species. Biol. Control. 55(1), 49-57.

  • Articles in press

Articles in press, which have been published without bibliographic details, could be cited using the electronic publishing year and the ODI, or as mentioned above (under journal article) except adding “in press” instead of range of page numbers.


Sosa-Hernández, O., Popat, S., Parameswaran, P., Alemán-Nava, G.S., Torres, C. I., Buitrón, G., Parra-Saldívar, R. (2015). Application of microbial electrolysis cells to treat spent yeast from an alcoholic fermentation. Bioresour. Technol. DOI 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.10.053

  • Book

Faris, M.A. (1993). Sustainable Agriculture in Egypt. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.

Note: Book's title must never be abbreviated.

  • Book chapter

Mosa, A.A. (2012). Effect of the application of humic substances on yield, quantity, and nutrient content of potato in Egypt, In: Zhongqi, H. Robert, L., Wayne, H. (eds.), Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies. Springer, Amesterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 471-492.