Automated Flight Capacity Assessment of Parasitoids on Spodoptera frugiperda Eggs Treated with Synthetic 2-Cyano-N-(3-(N-(Thiazol-2-yl) Sulfamoyl) Phenyl) Acetamide Derivatives

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt


        New synthetic insecticides act as allies in IPM especially if they could support biological control. Synthetic 2-cyano-n-(3-(n-(thiazol-2-yl) sulfamoyl) phenyl) acetamide derivatives can control Spodoptera frugiperda and then its eggs successfully with no essential impact on the flight capacity of adult parasitoids exposed to LC50s residue. The flight capacity of both Telenomus remus and Trichogramma pretiosum in treatments compared with the control is determined through an automated ESALQ model to discriminate between “flyers” and “non-flyers” through three locations, top, glue ring, and bottom. The modification of the ESALQ model depends on powering the unit with solar energy and cool white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were added and connected with a full Arduino system to be automated automatically. Results showed that the flight capacity was significantly higher of T. remus than T. pretiosum even in treatments or control in the top location of the automated ESALQ model. Consequently, flight capacity was directly proportional to α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (α-GPDH) activeness and vice versa.


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